Help Make a Positive Impact in the Kerhonkson Community
Your gifts and tithes to The Federated Church of Kerhonkson make a difference in managing our church operations, interact with the community, and give back to the people of Kerhonkson. We have collection plates set at the front of our sanctuary and during service we invite guests to bring forth their tithes. Individuals are also welcome to submit checks addressed to the name of the church and mailed to P.O. Box 176 Kerhonkson NY, 12446.
We are now offering the option to give online through Vanco! This offers guests and members a safe, easy, and convenient way to support us. Click the link (below) to be taken to a secure page to donate and follow the directions. Options for donations range from one-time to reoccurring. After submitting the payment, you will receive an e-mail notification with your receipt and we encourage you to keep this for your records.
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“A generous person will prosper; whoever refreshes others will be refreshed." Proverbs 11:25